Mom is it OK?

He thought, “Mom is it OK?”

He said out loud in front of the mirror,

“I need to go to work today, I want to make a difference, I want to do a good job.”

He drove to work

He put on his black suit

He loaded his belts, and pockets, and boots

With his work tools

He put his helmet on

He stood in front of the youth chanting, drumming, and sitting

He was told to follow procedure

He followed procedure

Youth died today

His heart died today

Mom is it OK?


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Grace E. Reed

I have a MA in Conflict Resolution, a BA in Drama Therapy am a mediator, published writer (Negotiating Shadows and Needs) a broadcaster for radio on disability awareness. I work with street youth, the homeless, addicted people, and have been a social activist for over 35 years. Occupy WS Portland, Oregon is a passion. Eagles World Studio is up and running. My heart responds to poetry and my head hears it in everything I do. My motto is 'stay curious, be kind and keep moving'. My new book 'Negotiating Shadows: Journey to the Sun' published by George Ronald Publisher, Oxford England and available through my website.

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