By James G Piatt | Poetry
All day long, she stoops to the dull cadence of a hopeless song flitting...
By Sumeet Grover | Poetry
For the Dalit People of India Ten years ago you gathered inside a temple...
For the Dalit People of India Ten years ago you gathered inside a temple...
God Responded With Tears
By David Krieger | Poetry
The plane flew over Hiroshima and dropped the bomb after the all clear warning...
The plane flew over Hiroshima and dropped the bomb after the all clear warning...
David Burland Poetry Prize 2015: The Results
By Editorial Team | News
Judges Michel François and R Friedman have made their selection and, ‘the entries’, they...
Judges Michel François and R Friedman have made their selection and, ‘the entries’, they...
Global Insanity
By James G Piatt | Poetry
The thunder of hopelessness rolls in on roaring waves and stirs the fires within...
The thunder of hopelessness rolls in on roaring waves and stirs the fires within...