By Editorial Team | Video
Historically one single nation, one single civilisation, one single people; why have we spent...
इस बार नहीं: प्रसून जोशी की कविता, अमिताभ बच्चन द्वारा सुनाई गयी (Not This Time: A poem by Prasoon Joshi, recited by Amitabh Bachchan. Hindi poem with English subtitles)
By Editorial Team | Video
When suffering and loss of life are caused by terrorism, horrific wounds that are...
When suffering and loss of life are caused by terrorism, horrific wounds that are...
By Sumeet Grover | Poetry
Dedicated to the freedom and dignity of gay men. In USA they were banned to...
Dedicated to the freedom and dignity of gay men. In USA they were banned to...
Woman with no gold
By Sumeet Grover | Poetry
For the poverty-stricken women in India who work as domestic maids. Another summer afternoon...
For the poverty-stricken women in India who work as domestic maids. Another summer afternoon...
In Kudankalum under the banyan tree: Aswath Vriksha
By Theresa Wolfwood | Poetry
A poem for the women of Kudankalum village “I am Banyan, tree among trees”...
A poem for the women of Kudankalum village “I am Banyan, tree among trees”...