Call for Poems: Poetry on Planes. Photo © Global Poetry.
Over the course of forty years spent flying around the world on business, I’ve found a special muse that lives only there, in the middle of the sky.
And I know there are others among you who share this vast and singular inspiration.
With that in mind, noted Irish poet Gerry Murphy and I are working on a project that we hope you will find sufficiently intriguing to submit poems you created while wandering among these “… footless halls of air.”1
Titled “Poetry on Planes,” it will be an anthology featuring the work of 99 poets from around the world.
We are soliciting original works that were written while the author was a passenger on a commercial airliner and require that each work – be it serious or whimsical – reflect elevated themes and observations, the sorts of thoughts people have while gazing out at clouds and the earth below.
This focus will make Poetry on Planes a logical candidate for airport bookstores and a special edition sold to a major airline for inclusion in seat-back pockets along with their usual in-flight magazine.
For submission information, go to Poetry On Planes website.
(1) From: “High Flight” by John Gillespie Magee, Jr.