I Often Wonder

I often wonder,
When will men give up
Their avarice and petty
Ways? When will humanity
Forget wars, and their
Religious dogmas of hate, and

Strident voices scream
Into my ears, surging
Over the craggy sensations
Roaming restlessly in my mind:
The cheerless messages
They create, march in a
Treacherous cadence that
Fractures the complacency
Of my perplexed soul:

I often wonder when will
The winds of terror cease,
The riotous tide of discontent
Stop undulating from shore to shore,
But mostly I wonder when will
Tiny, wide-eyed children
Cease to starve, and die?

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James, a retired professor and octogenarian, is a pushcart and best of web nominee. He has published 3 collections of poetry, “The Silent Pond” (2012), “Ancient Rhythms,” (2014), and “LIGHT,” (2016), and over 1,000 poems, in such magazines as Global Poetry, Westward Quarterly, Miller’s Pond, Poetic Diversity, American Aesthetic, Penwood, Gold Dust Poetry, Scarlet Leaf, The Linnet’s Wings and over 120 others. His fourth collection of poetry will be released this year. He earned his BS and MA from California State Polytechnic University, and his doctorate from BYU.

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