Sweet spring night Owl fly and let the Sun want dawn who still hears night
Deep shade rock will use dusk and leave the pure frost air verdant
The blue fin Betta peers out onto this scene from behind its glass bowl as do we
And the cold rain dropped onto every hot crying face above our roof dark in old rust
And the early cold tree snow ask later about this child
And I almost laugh between happy and cold on my sanctuary mountain
As the white smoke twisted up from the black chimney at the square
While all the gods looked on and turned their heads toward the Fire
I have a MA in Conflict Resolution, a BA in Drama Therapy am a mediator, published writer (Negotiating Shadows and Needs) a broadcaster for KBOO.fm radio on disability awareness. I work with street youth, the homeless, addicted people, and have been a social activist for over 35 years. Occupy WS Portland, Oregon is a passion. Eagles World Studio is up and running. My heart responds to poetry and my head hears it in everything I do. My motto is 'stay curious, be kind and keep moving'. My new book 'Negotiating Shadows: Journey to the Sun' published by George Ronald Publisher, Oxford England and available through my website.