Next Generation Poetry Slam (Bristol Poetry Festival 2012, Bristol, UK)

Harry Baker, Vanessa Kisuule, Emma Ward, Lydia Beardmore, Jack Dean – Bristol Vs Apples And Snakes

Hosted by Tim Gibbard

Five young Bristol performance poets, all under 25, take on their peers from around the UK in the second exciting poetry slam.

Bristol Poetry Festival 2012 
The 17th Bristol Poetry Festival brings together the most entertaining, inspirational and award winning poets and performers from Bristol, the South West, the UK and the world in an annual celebration of language, imagination and life.

Price: £7.00/£5.00 Concs (£10.00/£6.00 Concs for both slams)
Venue: Arnolfini. (map)
Date: 30 September 2012
Timing: 19:30 Hrs
City / Country: Bristol, United Kingdom.

Information Source: Arnolfini.

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