Invisible Borders

For Aya, my friend from Israel.

How can I forget
the words we have exchanged?

How can I forget
in you there is a baking light
your browned humanism needling through,
my restlessness long unsteady
walks out my ears.

And how can I forget
the wisdom untraceable unbelonged
that pours out through you
air across borders turns moist
as you open the way
now and again.


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Sumeet Grover

Sumeet Grover is the founder of Global Poetry, dedicated to creativity, human dignity, dialogue and global citizenship. He is a winner of the Portico Brotherton Open Poetry Prize 2014 and was shortlisted for the Jane Martin Poetry Prize in 2014 & 2015. He has authored three books of poetry: Signals (2017), House Arrest & Disobedience (2015) and Change (2011). Grover is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment.

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