For Aya, my friend from Israel.
How can I forget
the words we have exchanged?
How can I forget
in you there is a baking light
your browned humanism needling through,
my restlessness long unsteady
walks out my ears.
And how can I forget
the wisdom untraceable unbelonged
that pours out through you
air across borders turns moist
as you open the way
now and again.

Sumeet Grover is the founder of Global Poetry, dedicated to creativity, human dignity, dialogue and global citizenship. He is a winner of the Portico Brotherton Open Poetry Prize 2014 and was shortlisted for the Jane Martin Poetry Prize in 2014 & 2015. He has authored three books of poetry: Signals (2017), House Arrest & Disobedience (2015) and Change (2011). Grover is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment.