Poetry, Social Voices and Justice: An Interview with Grace E. Reed

With the conviction that poetry gives a voice to ordinary people to be heard and that it is a very powerful conflict resolution tool’, writer and activist Grace E. Reed from Portland, USA, talks to Niki Gee from Chicago, the host of the radio show ‘The Pansophy Project‘. Reed features as the inaugural guest on the radio show and talks about her work with teenagers from troubled background. Human societies are entirely normative constructs, yet within the web of these norms and values, the disturbed nature of the human being erupts, heading to addictions and criminality, leading to deep divides between ‘us’ and ‘them’.

Reed, with years of experience in working with teenagers from criminal background, speaks about giving them a voice, and also about her conviction of using poetry for social justice.

Please click here to listen to the interview. (opens up a short window)

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